He welcomed China's letting its currency, the yuan, rise in value and said it should continue. 保尔森还表示,欢迎中国允许人民币升值,并且希望人民币继续升值。
You can also override defaults for the data, letting you or the application overwrite or add to a value on the output markup. 您也可以重设数据的缺省值,让您或该应用程序在输出标记上重设或者添加一个值。
While that sounds logical, Wall Street has had problems letting traders value portfolios and investments in the past. 虽然这听起来合乎逻辑,但华尔街在过去让交易员给投资组合和投资进行估价的做法曾经出现过问题。
Letting the renminbi appreciate from its current value of 6.83 per dollar would be good for the world. 让人民币从目前1美元兑6.83元人民币的水平升值,对世界将是一件好事。
By way of letting the problems of extreme value finding be converted into the standard semi-positive definite problems of LMI, the optimal geometric parameters of parallel mechanism were solved. 通过将求极值问题转变成LMI的标准半正定问题,求解出并联机构的最佳几何学参数。
Letting the students have a correct understanding of the nature and value of science is showing them the true science, which requires the teachers 'teaching behavior accept the guide of scientific philosophy reasonably. 使学生对科学的本质和价值有一个正确的认识实际上就是要为学生呈现真实的科学,这就要求教师的教学行为合理地接受科学哲学的指导。